lundi 1 novembre 2010

Why Is Neon Genesis Evangelion So Awesome?

Some people hate it.
Some people love it.
Some are just crazy about it.

Neon Genesis Evangelion is an award winning Anime & Manga serie released in 1995 (26 Episodes) and is still being released as a manga. It won the Animage price 2 years in a row for its amazing quality.

Why do I love EVANGELION?

I always been a mecha anime fan (Gundam, Code GEASS, PatLabor...) and one morning I discovered that wicked anime. Right of the bat I got sucked into it. The story is simply amazing and goes way deeper than any other anime of the type ever been. It's not only about super robots beating the shit outta aliens and other creatures threatening Earth. It's mostly about the pilots of those robots(I will start calling them by their names from now on, EVAs) who are 14 years old teenagers with some mental issues. Shinji, the pilot of EVA-01 is sure that everybody hates him, Asuka have some bad memories about how her mom killed herself and Rei.....well.....little to nothing is really known about Rei. It is slowly revealed through the serie what she really is.

The whole mecha design also vary from what the viewer is used to also. Instead of the super-armored gun-loaded infinite-power robot, the EVA's are slim, agile, fast and rely on an umbilical cordon to supply them with power. If they get disconnected from their power supply, they only have 5 minutes until they run out of power. That does add a nice twist to the whole combat scenes!

There's also strong references towards the catholic mythology during the whole serie. The creator said that he loved the connotation it gave to the whole universe, and since Japaneses are not that familiar with that religion, it gave a mystic aspect to the whole universe. I do think its a wicked idea. I do get bored sometime when the same old theme of the devil/demons coming to destroy Earth and rape young, that's Hentai. Screw that!

So anyway. The whole character build is simply amazing. The suspense is there all serie long (its only 26 episodes....) and right now, they're rebuilding the whole thing from scratch. The first 2 OVAs are already out and received great critics, and a lot of people look forwards to see the third one. I do. Do you? You should.

I will let you judge by yourself if you really enjoy that anime as much as I do.

On that,
Good night!

The Social Geek.

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