lundi 20 juin 2011

Gundam Ez8 Completed/Summer's Call.

Good day fellow geeks;

Lately, I've been quite absorbed with more fun things. First, FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST. I've recently subscribed to NETFLIX and started to scroll in they anime section. This show sucked me in and even if I never been a huge fantasy fan, the whole steam-punk universe is quite entertaining. I recommend it.

Then, I was working on the completion of the Gundam Ez8. Well......that was easier than I thought! The model is quite an easy build, but the result is quite stunning!

Next step?


Summer officially starts tomorrow!

Have a great summer!

The Social Geek!

lundi 6 juin 2011

New Opening/Beginning of a New Era.

Well folks, I`m all set in my new apartment now.

It was quite a rush, and the guy I was living with turned out to be not the guy I was thinking! Anyway. The new place is dope. I found it by bare luck online and I simply love it!

I just finished SERAVEE yesterday, and I`ll drop it at BIGPFEIFFER for you to take a look at it! And I'm also about to start the Mark II Gundam. All the sprues are spread across the living room and I'm getting myself ready for a long building process!

On other news, the new arc for BLEACH is simply amazing. Look at the opening!

I'll keep you posted!

The Social Geek.

lundi 30 mai 2011

Back In Business.

I got super busy lately. Work turned out at a near impossible to follow speed and I had to move to a new place. Hopefully, I'm back now, with some wicked ideas, awesome projects on the go and more time to keep you informed!

When I was at sea, I got back into a card game I stopped playing literally a decade ago! Magic : The Gathering. Some folks at work play a lot, and while at sea, what better way to kill time when you got nothing on the go!

Lately, I've been playing every Friday night (when I'm in town) at Quantum Frontier and online too. Yeah, the online version is pretty sweet too! Give it a try. Yeah, I know, you have to pay. But I'd rather pay that than play WoW. Personally. It's just my own 2 cents.

The summer is finally kicking in Halifax. Thank God! The last weeks of rain where horrible.

What's new with you?

The new Gundam Unicorn is coming!

The Social Geek.

dimanche 24 avril 2011


Sorry folks.

I was super busy lately, and I kinda stopped posting on the blog. I'm moving to a new place in Halifax, and that took all my free time in the last weeks.

Nothing new towards my Gundam collection. Im still working on the SERAVEE and the Mk II is still in stand by.

What's new with you?

Happy Easter!

The Social Geek!

lundi 4 avril 2011

Would you....

Participate in a GunPla competition?

I was talking to Susan from BIGPFEIFFER and the whole idea came to me.

Fill the poll on the page.
If there's a big interest, it might be a go!

The Social Geek.

dimanche 3 avril 2011

SERAVEE in progress.

Here's whats done.
Still have a long way to go!


The Social Geek.

Fresh Gundam 00 News! New Gundam RAPHAEL!

Here's a sneak peek!

Looks like a 1/144 No Grade but still......I'm pretty sure it will become a must for all 00 fans!


The Social Geek!

Sunday Morning Infos/Chicken Noodles Are Good.

Good morning!

The sun is shining here in Halifax, and I'm quite enjoying my day!
I've been watching Gundam SEED since yesterday, trying to get back in the mood. I don't know why, but I don't feel like building the Ez8 or the ZAKU II F2 lately. But the STRIKE NOIR is completed and SERAVEE/SERAPHIM are moving towards completition.

Here's the news for this morning!

GUNDAM EPYON will be released in June. Here's the promotionnal poster!

And soon, the conversion kit for the RGM-79C GM TYPE-C [WAGTAIL] will be released. Its quite an interesting model. I might buy it and get back to you on this one.

Other than that? I was starving for chicken noodles. I'm actually having a bowl right now. I'm getting back to SEED.

Have a great Sunday!

The Social Geek.

samedi 2 avril 2011

Summer Release Preview!

New stuff!

SD Sinanju already released, the other model will be released from the 30th of April until June. A REAL GRADE Strike Gundam, Gundam Epyon and a new 00 Raiser!

What an exciting summer!

The Social Geek.

Another Step.

Over 3000 views!
Thanks folks!

The Social Geek.

Weekend Madness/April Fever.

Hello fellow Gundam Otakus.

Lately, I've been home alone a lot since my roommate left for the British Isles until the end of April, and I've been trying to reduce my expenses since I've been thinking about buying a house by myself in the upcoming months. So I'm trying to stay home as much as possible.

Well, this weekend, the weather is quite horrible here in Halifax. A mix of rain, snow and/or wind as been hitting us non-stop since Friday afternoon. So before my pals from BIGPFEIFFER heads to 42 (a 12-hours gaming event in Halifax) I've contacted them in order to put the GN-006 SERAVEE GUNDAM and the GAT-X105E STRIKE NOIR GUNDAM behind the counter so I could pick them up before lunch time.

The STRIKE NOIR was quite fun and fast to build. It's a 1/144 HG model, so no big details in this one. I was watching Gundam SEED STARGAZER when building it (it's still the original appearance of this suit!). Compared to other HG models, this suit got lots of possible poses.

Without the backpack.

And now with the backpack. There's also a base included in this kit, something I wasn't expecting from a HG model.

Next step?

Gundam SERAVEE. I should work on it all day and most of the night. I'm hoping to finish it before Sunday night.

Also, the Kshatrya is on display at BIGPFEIFFER. Go take a look at it and see all the kits they have in store!

I'll keep you posted!

The Social Geek

jeudi 31 mars 2011

Daily Reading List.

Lately, I found out that I have a routine everytime I log on my computer. I'm pretty sure everybody got one, even if they don't know about it.

Usually I'm back home around 4:00 in the afternoon, so I got about an hour to kill before I start thinking about supper.

Usually, here's my whole routine.
This one is always good about what's new in the anime world. A must read daily!
The guy got amazing skills and knows a lot(way more than I do!)
...yes, unfortunately
I like to see how stupid people are! Hahaha!
Always funny!

For some GunPla inputs now...
I've started to build the RX-79(G)Ez-8 tonight. It's quite an interesting model. But I'm not into that one as much as I was into the Stamen....unfortunately.

I'll keep you posted.

The Social Geek.

dimanche 27 mars 2011

Gundam GP03S Stamen Completed./ Hesitation.

Good Sunday!

I'm becoming quite good at it. And when I'm saying completed, I mean it. All the transfers are applied, panel lines are done, the stickers, the stand (sold separately) and the weapons are built and on the model. That's the pose I gave it. Sincerely, I was quite surprise with all the fun I had building this kit. The model start right off the bat with the legs. So I did the worst part first, what I had left was all fun. the Stamen is a wicked looking suit. Here's more pictures!

Now, I'm facing another problem. You know that the Gundam Mk II arrived this weekend, but I still have 2 other kits on the waiting list. Should I start one of those, get warmed up in order to create a masterpiece with the Mk II ?

The white Zaku II F2 from Stardust Memory or Shiro Amada's suit in 08th Mobile Suit Team?
Which one? I sincerely don't know... And look at the Mk II box. Quite huge heh?

I'll keep you informed this week!

The Social Geek.

samedi 26 mars 2011

Bringing It To Another Level.

It's here! Yes! It is!
Just picked up my 1/60 Gundam Mk II Perfect Grade at BIGPFEIFFER!
Damn, the box is literally HUGE! If you remember, I've posted in the past a picture of the Sinanju building process that was taking all my kitchen table. Well, I think I'll need something bigger this time!

Unfortunately, I'll have to wait to start build it. I started the STAMEN yesterday, and I still have a Zaku II F2 and the Gundam Ez8 to build first....but they might have to wait.

Here's a review about the kit from Starship Modeler that is pretty extensive. It's for the AEUG colour version with the LED (mine's the TITANS colour) but it's still pretty accurate.


It's going to be a busy month of April with my birthday coming! More Gundam? I don't know. I'm thinking about ordering a Lockon Stratos costume for ANIMARITIME this summer with the money I'll get for my birthday.

I'll keep you informed!

The Social Geek.

vendredi 25 mars 2011

Gundam Unicorn Episode 3 : The Ghost of LaPlace

It was time for me to put a review about the last Gundam UC Episode 3 : The Ghost Of LaPlace.
Straight from the beginning, great action scene with the assault on Palau by ECOAS force. Great start, gets you back right into it. I do think there's less dialogues in that episode and more action. Right now? I could easily say this one is my favourite episode yet in the Gundam UC anime.

Unfortunately, not a glimpse about the second Unicorn codenamed "BANSHEE" but we can slowly figure out why Banagher's dad got killed in the first episode by the dude from Anaheim Electronic. Again, I've put a picture of the Delta. Well. I'll say it. I do love that suit. Why wouldn't you? Looks mean, powerful and what other suit in the Federation ever had someone from the Zabi family ride inside? Heh? I'm waiting!

Watch it.
Comment on the blog.
Follow me!

And send some good and positive thinking to the Japanese people.

The Social Geek.

Expanding Your Collection/Fuelling Your Addiction.

I'm sorry folks.

I didn't post lately, work kept me quite busy and I was trying to finish the AV-98 Ingram...
Well...I didn't finish the Ingram. I got bored and tired of it. It's not a BAD model, but it's not the best I've put together. Lots of pieces fit only after some fiddling with the plastic...and you shouldn't do that.

So to cheer me up, I've opened the RX-78 GP03S box and it's my project for the weekend. Since I got a 3 day weekend, I'm figuring out I could probably complete it by next Wednesday.

Only one slight problem...
Yes. I did bought it. I'm picking it up tomorrow at BIGPFEIFFER and I'm quite excited. Also more stand and I'll see what else. I don't even think I have to show you a pick of the Mk II. The suit made history in MSG : Z.

But I'm looking at the STAMEN kit right now, and damn it's a good looking suit. I've picked it up at BIGPFEIFFER too. By the way, they just received a new delivery and I'm sure Susan and Mark got a ton of wicked new awesome kits!

Visit them this weekend! My Gundam Exia Avalanche is still on display behind the cashier, and next week I'm thinking about displaying the Hi-Nu V2.

I'll keep you informed all weekend!

The Social Geek.

mercredi 9 mars 2011

Buying GunPla : Guide for Beginners.

Where to start? What to choose?
Last night, I was taking a quick look at the GunPla catalog for 2010. There's hundreds of different kits! Perfect Grade (PG), Master Grade (MG), High Grade (HG), 1/100. 1/144, 1/60, Titanium finish, Clear parts........ and I'm not including the Super Deformed (SD) models. There's a model for every fan. Every one got their own favorite model. Some are a pleasure to build, others are challenging and even some (I own one of those) were a plain pain in the butt to build...

GunPla have been part of the hobby culture for 31 years now. BANDAI was celebrating the 30th anniversary last year with the giant RX-78-2 in Tokyo. So, this article is for you, the Gundam fan that looks into the GunPla hobby and thinks : "Damn, that looks so cool!"

When I first got into GunPla, I was mainly ordering my kits from online shop or even through Amazon. I still have a bunch of friends in Quebec ordering their kits from Amazon or eBay. I agree, they may not be as hooked as I am into the whole thing, but it's still a viable option if you're looking for cheap kits. Be aware now, you might not be able to get the best price out of those. Sometime, some online shop make their profits with their ridiculous shipping cost. Trust me about that. I've ordered 2 kits online, and I would have saved close to 20-25$ per kits! But it was all part of my learning curve. And I also dearly enjoy FREEDOM with it wings spread in my office. I'm not saying to not order GunPla from online stores, but be simply aware, and if you do, do a huge order with some friends. You'll save on shipping cost!

I'm lucky enough to have the folks at BIG PFEIFFER ordering GunPla on a regular basis. Some of them are specific orders I'm placing, but they do know what kits look great, and I think I might grab the white Zaku II from Stardust Memory 0083 this weekend! I'd think I have room for it on the top of one of my bookshelves. If you're in Halifax or Dartmouth or even in Nova Scotia and you're thinking about starting, go see them. Usually I stop by early Saturday morning, chat a bit, grab a kit then leave for the rest of my Saturday morning stuff (Homemade Waffles at the Farmer's Market FTW).

What could be the best model for you? Well, BANDAI is producing 80% (if not more) of the suits you can see in the animes, the mangas, the photo novels or even just concepts coming from games. Best example? Shin Musha Gundam that you can see in one of the previous post, was originally only present in a video game! So, you're a beginner..Have you ever build models or miniatures? Yes? You might be able to shoot for a MG right from the beginning! If not, I suggest that you try first with a HG 1/144. It will get you used to the instructions, the whole concept behind the GunPla. I still buy some 1/144 models from time to time, since some models are only released that way! Remember that the GunPla are not toys. They are models. I don't suggest you to play with it like it's a child toy. BANDAI is producing action figure if it's what you're looking for. I like to believe that the first Gundam kit everybody build is one that caught their eye in one of the series. For me, it was a variation of the Zeta Gundam (MSZ-006A1 Zeta Plus A1 Amuro Ray's Colors) since I was waiting for multiples kits from online store. That one thing I don't like from online shopping. The wait. When I buy a kit, I like to open the box, take a look at the instructions then usually they end up on my TO DO stack. Lately, this stack is quite low, since I've been busy with multiple projects, but Gundam Unit 3 (RX-78GP03S Gundam Dendrobium Stamen) is the last one. But I'll probably fix that this weekend!

Please, enjoy your GunPla responsibly!

The Social Geek.

mardi 8 mars 2011

Step-By-Step / The Begginer's How-to build a GunPla.

I've been talking about it for quite a while now...

Well, last night, I finalized it!

This is my Beginner's How-To-Build a GunPla. I tried to build this article as easy to understand as possible, since I've been building GunPla for a while now, and this whole model only took me approximately 5 (give or take) hours to complete. No long or exhaustive paneling with Gundam markers. Just basic sticker job. The model I've used it the MSN-001A1 Delta Plus. It's a HG model with a 1/144 scale. I do think it's the right size for beginners since MG and 1/100 scale models can be sometime tricky. The suit is from the 3rd episode of Gundam UNICORN that haven't been released yet...I won't make any comments on that....Oh, and if you look for that models, the folks at BIG PFEIFFER will be more than happy to find you one! That's where I got mine!

So let's begin!
First, I always get all my tools that I think I might need on my work table. I hate to look for stuff when I'm working on a model.
The tools every GunPla builder should own are :
1-Cutter (to get the pieces out of the sprues)
2-Modelling/X-acto knife to get rid of all the plastic leftovers and flashes on the pieces)
3-Hand drill (Sometime, breaks occurs, you have to fix them!)
4-Metal rod (tiny ones, in order to fix the breaks)
5-Gundam Markers (I own about 10 to 20 of those, in various colors and shape, but at least 2 fines ones and one basic kit are a must!)
6-Eraser (Instead of using Cotton swaps, I do find it works better, and it's environment friendly too!)
7-Semi-gloss coating (I use Purity Seal from the Games Workshop line, but ask your own hobby shop about what they have in stock. Some are not recommended for plastic!)
Personally, I prefer to empty the whole box on my work desk. Then I can figure out if by any mistake from the company I'm missing any sprues or pieces.
Every sprue is lettered (A,B,C,D1,D2,ABS,.....). I spread them in alphabetical order so when I look for a specific piece, I do save a lot of time and stay away from any headache!
I try to work as much as possible on the instructions, so I don't have to look away when I'm working on a difficult articulation or something I didn't understand on the first glance.
So that's how the first step usually look, with a quick glance at the instructions. I've seen people in the past complain about the instructions, saying they were in Japanese or hard to understand. I'm assuming everybody here built at least one Lego kit in his/her childhood. Seriously. It's the same. The exact same thing, if not easier since you have clue about where to find the pieces since they're all labeled on the sprues (A12,B4,E2,ABS 22,...).
That's how I work. Piece by piece, taking my time removing all the small plastic leftover with the modelling knife. GunPla's are snap-assembly kits, so any leftovers from the sprue won't allow the pieces to fit together as they're expected. And be careful with the knife! They always have sharp blades!
That's what the body looked like after finishing the part 1 and 2 of the kit. The instructions follows a step-by-step concept, so it's hard to screw up!
When I'm assembling any of the legs or arms or the GunPla, I always try to build both at the same time. I hate building legs (you probably read about that in a previous post) and building them in pair make me stay focus and keep me on track. I often get side-tracked while building legs. And it does also shorten the time! Here's the example for the arms.
Sometime, the instructions won't tell you to put the arms in place until the end of the kit. I understand that, but I like to see the progress, so since I've started building kits, I always installed the shoulders and the arms as soon as possible. But that's a personal preference!
So, that's what my work desk looks like after close to half the kit build. It does get pretty messy quickly. Usually, once the upper body is done, I put some order in the sprues. The worst part is about to start.
Like I was saying earlier, I hate building legs. Don't ask me why, I don't know. I just hate it. I'm using the same procedure that I was using earlier to build the arms, building both legs at the same time in order to identify clearly which one is the right leg and the left leg. HG 1/144 models are fairly easy once you get used to building GunPla, so don't get fooled. It can be tricky sometime!
Once the legs and the waist are built, I put the whole thing together, and that's were I usually start putting the stickers for the legs and arms. Here, only the white exhausts on the legs needed stickers (other than the eyes or the sensors on the head).
The MSN-001A1 Delta Plus is a direct descendant from the ZETA Gundam. And just like the ZETA, the Delta Plus have wing and can be converted into a Wave Rider mode. I won't show or discuss the transformation process, but I'm letting you know that the whole thing is possible!
And that's what the model looks like when it's fully assemble. Isn't it wicked?
More pictures of the model with a different angle. I didn't took any picture on a base since I was slowly getting tired and had to go to bed soon. Why don't you build the model yourself and send me your best action pose? Load a picture of your best pose on Photobucket and post the link in the comments. I'd like to see those!
The grand finale?

Here's what I've started on my desk once I've cleaned what was left of the Delta Plus. You know what it is? Come on folks! It's the AV-98 INGRAM from PATLABOR! YES! The one with the flashing police light. I'm starting it tonight!

The Social Geek.