jeudi 30 décembre 2010

Back In Halifax!

I'm back home!

After an exhausting 13 hours drive back from that backwater place in Quebec where my parents live, I'm back in my little palace, surrounded by Bleach posters, GUNPLAs both completed and in progress, computers and you, my fellow OTAKUs.

I'm kinda excited to be back! Mark from BIGPFEIFFER told me that all the stuff I ordered is
waiting for me at the store! BAZINGA BITCHES! I GOT MY PATLABOR! The cool thing about it? Even if it's only a MG model, it's a 1/35 Scale with working LED patrol lights. That is the
most awesome thing ever! And the price was more than decent too! I can see myself spending a lot of time building that baby! The model is build in order for me to actually choose with one of the PATLABOR I want to build! Noa Izumi? Isao Ohta? Or event Shinobu Nagumo? I got the choice! Every review I found online about that kit gave it a fairly high rating

I got also more markers. My black one is pretty beat up, so a new one is more than welcome!

And I do love that picture with the WING ZERO CUSTOM Gundam. It reminds me of Peggy's Cove.

Before I forget! I'm still off for another 4 days! So you can expect me to finish Shin Musha. And the RX-93-2 Hi-Nu V2 Gundam is still waiting in his box......Damn...Should I simply quit working and build Gundam full time? If you're going to the Moncton convention this summer, you might be able to see couple of my models! Will you be able to spot them?

The Social Geek.

jeudi 23 décembre 2010

It's almost Xmas!

Hello, fellow geeks!

I didn't post in the last week since I was uber busy! I'm currently back in Quebec at my dad's house, chilling, cooking and having a hell of time snowboarding with a humonguous amount of powder!

This is my Xmas post. Mark from BIGPFEIFFER just emailed me last night to let me know my PATLABOR, GUNDAM markers and some action stand just arrived for me at the shop. I'm pretty stoked about it! Seriously! A FAWKING PATLABOR! That will be dope!

For those of you who will attend the Anime Con in Moncton next summer, some of my GUNPLA will be on display at the BIGPFEIFFER stand. Visit them guys!

I'll be pretty busy for the upcoming weeks, and I'll be leaving for a couple of weeks for the warmer temperatures in the southern hemisphere. I'll keep you informed! Don't worry!

So, I wish you all a merry geeky Xmas.

May The Force Be With You, Always!

mercredi 8 décembre 2010

Again, thank you!

Well, it's 8:52PM right now in Halifax, and I've just saw that you visited me more than 400 times since I've started the blog, a bit more than 2 months ago.

Thank you for reading me. Keep on reading, since I have some nice ideas for the upcoming posts! I'll be doing a step-by-step "GunPla For Beginners" probably in the upcoming weeks, some more in details analyst of some anime series I cherish and some surprises!

Thanks again!

The Social Geek.

My Sci-Fi "Must Read" Booklist / PART 2.

It's time for PART 2 of my AWESOME list of Sci-Fi books to read!

So let's start where I left....

Richard Matheson - I Am Legend.
-Don't get fooled by the movie, the book is like 20 times better.

Arthur C. Clarke - 2001 and the sequels.
-The movie is one of my favorite, but you can only understand how deep and how majestic the story Arthur C. Clarke wrote by reading his books for one end to the other.

Various Authors - The Horus Heresy Saga
-Inspired from the lore of Warhammer 40,000, the multiples authors being published at The Black Library have done an amazing work telling the story of the Primarchs, the rebellion of the one above the others and how twisted a man mind can be. There's more books getting published as we talk, so keep an eye for those books!

Bernard Werber - His whole work.
-I will never get enough of this guy. His writing is simply spectacular. It's hard to seclude him into the Sci-Fi category, but his books are the ones you can recommend to anybody. I still think that The Ants are his masterpiece.

Orson Scott Card - Ender's Game
-This book, can't be qualified. It explore the most dark areas of the human mind, but also how much humanity can be wrong AND right. After reading it, I had to sit for a while and think about what this guy made me discover about myself. The fact that humanity is lying to children to reveal them after the atrocity of their acts, astounded me. It could be real....

Jules Verne - 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea
-My grandmother bought me this book last summer, since they were doing a reprint of the original edition with all the illustrations. She gave it to me at the beginning of my summer leave, and I ended up spending hours on the deck at my cottage reading it while suntanning and drinking Iced Tea and Coronas. The story was written way before man could build or even discovered the technical skills needed to create a submarine, but Mr. Verne explained most of the principles, and some of them still apply in today's subs! A great mind!

That should do it I think. I'll eventually come back with a part 3 to this, but I've read so much sci-fi since high school, that I might have to go back to some, to give you more titles to read. Anyway. If you're really into it, read those. It will keep you busy for, at least, a couple months!

The Social Geek.

lundi 6 décembre 2010

My Sci-Fi "Must Read" Booklist.

Earlier today, I was talking to my good friend Dave. I just discovered that he started reading books that I loved. I'm all about Science Fiction. I can read anything, but if I have to choose, I'll go for Science Fiction first. It gave me the idea to create a list for you. A list of what every geek should read before they die.

To me, all of those books are masterpieces. Some can be considered as classics, other only have been on the shelves for a couple year.

Enough of that.
Let's start the list!

Frank Herbert's Dune Saga.
-It's a must. The original 6 books. You can't be a real if you haven't read those!

Brian Herbert's & Kevin J. Anderson's Dune Prequels and Sequels.
-The Houses trilogy, the Genesis trilogy, the 2 sequels to Dune(SANDWORMS/HUNTERS of Dune) and the 2 books they wrote to fill the blanks in the story (PAUL/WINDS of Dune). Those book complete the universe Frank Herbert created with such brilliance, they're all a must-read!

Isaac Asimov's Foundation Saga.
-Do I really have to talk about Mr. Asimov?

David Weber's SAFEHOLD saga.
-The guy wrote the Honor Harrington novel. Never been a fan. By my own opinion, the SAFEHOLD saga (Off Armageddon Reef/By Schism Rent Asunder/By Heresies Distressed/A Mighty Fortress) is his masterpiece. I can't wait for the conclusion. I'll probably read them all again before starting the 5th book in order to get back into it!

Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy (and sequels).
-DON'T PANIC! The kind of humor Douglas Adams is using in those books made me smile the whole time I was reading them. And remember, always carry a towel with you!

Robert A. Heinlein's Starship Troopers.
-Don't ever mention the movie(s) in front of me. EVER! Heinlein's book talks about something deeper than aliens, titties and big gun. It speaks of serving the greater good, sacrifice and what's wrong in today's society. It was written in the 70's but does make a lot of sense right now.

Joe Haldeman's The Forever War.
-This book is seen by a lot of people as a direct answer to Starship Troopers. The author denies it, but I still feel like those two books are always going to be adversaries. The book is like a narration from a pacifist that got dragged into a war.

Max Brooks' World War Z
-Not really a Sci-Fi book. But it's such a great one! Great view of what the world would look if zombies would hit!

Right now, there's too many books. I'll stop here for now and make a part 2 later.


The Social Geek.

Once Again, It's Monday!

Guess what! Today's Monday again. And what's happenning to me usually on Mondays?


Today again, the postman delivered not 1, not even 2, but 3 new kits!

I told you earlier this month about me waiting for a MG Shin Musha, a MG Hi-Nu Gundam and the HG 0 Gundam (Roll Out Colors w/ Wings)

Where, here they are!

Happy Monday!

The Social Geek.

samedi 4 décembre 2010

Late Night Surprise!

Well, here in Halifax, the MicMac mall is having a late night sale. Since the my friends won't be done before 1:00 AM, I took the occasion to spent more time to work on the NZ-666. I'll even show you some pics!

Surprisingly, I'm either becoming too good at building GunPla or this model is too easy. Either way, right now, it's only been around 8-10 hours spent on that one. Here's a closer picture.

There's a lot of marker work to do, but I always find it easier once the model is complete, since I can put more emphasis on certain areas.

The Social Geek.

Gundam Unicorn Ep. 3 : Release Date Announced!

So it is finally announced!

Gundam UC Ep.3 will be released the 5th of March 2011. 125 days after the release of the Episode 2, the expectations I have towards the new episode are even greater!

Online rumors talk about another RX-0, but this time, it's called BANSHEE!

I just can't wait to see it!

The Social Geek.

jeudi 2 décembre 2010

Tales From The Workdesk : 2 Weeks Of Work.

I never really been a HG fan. But you know if you've been reading the blog for the last weeks that I received 2 HG GunPla kits last week.

I've completed the RX-0 Unicorn earlier this week and after close to 30 hours, I can present you with the EXIA AVALANCHE 1/100 with some slight details to complete. They're mostly marker work. It ain't that much of a big deal.

I know you're all craving for photos and a little review on both of them, so here they come!

Let's start with the UNICORN.

It's quite an impressive model. I wasn't expecting that much of a complex built from an MG model. It could almost be compared to a PG if it wasn't a 1/100 scale. I'm not a huge fan of the movable parts but I know that Susan from BIGPFEIFFER just love them from the bottom of her heart. I prefer the RX-0 in it's UNICORN mode rather than the DESTROY one, but it's only personal preference. I can say the whole kit was around 15-20 hours to build. I'm really meticulous with my kits since my Sinanju broke on me (I'm planning to fix it this weekend so it can join the other ones on display!).

Now, it's time for EXIA AVALANCHE

GUNDAM 00 is my favorite serie from the GUNDAM universe, and you're all supposed to know it by now if you've been reading the blog once in a while. But the AVALANCHE equipment on the EXIA isn't in the serie! It's actually featured in the Gundam ooV manga. The whole thing was created to give more speed to EXIA.

I first got aware of this kit a couple months ago, while I was reading Danny Cho blog. Someone built an amazing AVANLANCHE, repainted it and modded it. I felt in love the instant I saw that model. I knew it has to be part of my GunPla collection as soon as possible. Look at it! Seriously! How could you not love this suit?

So here it is, with some details left to complete.

What do you think? Lemme know!

The Social Geek.