lundi 20 juin 2011

Gundam Ez8 Completed/Summer's Call.

Good day fellow geeks;

Lately, I've been quite absorbed with more fun things. First, FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST. I've recently subscribed to NETFLIX and started to scroll in they anime section. This show sucked me in and even if I never been a huge fantasy fan, the whole steam-punk universe is quite entertaining. I recommend it.

Then, I was working on the completion of the Gundam Ez8. Well......that was easier than I thought! The model is quite an easy build, but the result is quite stunning!

Next step?


Summer officially starts tomorrow!

Have a great summer!

The Social Geek!

lundi 6 juin 2011

New Opening/Beginning of a New Era.

Well folks, I`m all set in my new apartment now.

It was quite a rush, and the guy I was living with turned out to be not the guy I was thinking! Anyway. The new place is dope. I found it by bare luck online and I simply love it!

I just finished SERAVEE yesterday, and I`ll drop it at BIGPFEIFFER for you to take a look at it! And I'm also about to start the Mark II Gundam. All the sprues are spread across the living room and I'm getting myself ready for a long building process!

On other news, the new arc for BLEACH is simply amazing. Look at the opening!

I'll keep you posted!

The Social Geek.

lundi 30 mai 2011

Back In Business.

I got super busy lately. Work turned out at a near impossible to follow speed and I had to move to a new place. Hopefully, I'm back now, with some wicked ideas, awesome projects on the go and more time to keep you informed!

When I was at sea, I got back into a card game I stopped playing literally a decade ago! Magic : The Gathering. Some folks at work play a lot, and while at sea, what better way to kill time when you got nothing on the go!

Lately, I've been playing every Friday night (when I'm in town) at Quantum Frontier and online too. Yeah, the online version is pretty sweet too! Give it a try. Yeah, I know, you have to pay. But I'd rather pay that than play WoW. Personally. It's just my own 2 cents.

The summer is finally kicking in Halifax. Thank God! The last weeks of rain where horrible.

What's new with you?

The new Gundam Unicorn is coming!

The Social Geek.

dimanche 24 avril 2011


Sorry folks.

I was super busy lately, and I kinda stopped posting on the blog. I'm moving to a new place in Halifax, and that took all my free time in the last weeks.

Nothing new towards my Gundam collection. Im still working on the SERAVEE and the Mk II is still in stand by.

What's new with you?

Happy Easter!

The Social Geek!

lundi 4 avril 2011

Would you....

Participate in a GunPla competition?

I was talking to Susan from BIGPFEIFFER and the whole idea came to me.

Fill the poll on the page.
If there's a big interest, it might be a go!

The Social Geek.